
Hittade en kul lista...

1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn't make sense

Will it be ok?
Storm in a teacup
How are you feeling today?
Om du bara vill
How do your friends see you?
Don´t forget about us
Will you get married?
Animal bar
What is your best friends theme song?
You´r beautiful
What is the story of your life?
Fix you
What was high school like?
Konichiwa bitches
How can you get ahead in life?
What is the best thing about your friends?
Stick with you
What is tonight going to be like?
Stupid tricks
What song describes you?
Beautiful day
Describe your grandparents?
Nu ær det tid att leva (??, Bara farmor som lever, och hon ær inte så pigg;))
How is your life going?
Bang bang
What song will they play at your funeral?
Hjærter Dams sista sång
How does the world see you?
She´s only 18
Will you have a happy life?
Fria vægar ut
What do your friends really think of you?
Wet sand
Do people secretly lust after you?
Øver grænsen
How can i make myself happy?
Who do you dance for
What should you do with your life?
Dunkla rum
Will you ever have children?

Jahaaja... vet inte hur jag ska tolka detta... Men kul var det:)


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Hur var ditt liv? - Det var en storm och nöd och kamp i en enda veva; det var gäckad längtan och fåfäng glöd och små glimtar ur molnens reva. Jag är så glad att jag fått leva.

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